5 Reasons Your Digestive System isn’t Working Properly - It seems nearly everyone has digestive issues these days. Crohn’s, IBS, colitis, celiac, and dozens of other digestive disorders have made an industry out of sugar free, gluten free, and dairy free products. So why is it that those with digestive issues can’t often fully fix them and have to follow a very strict diet or suffer the painful consequences? Gut flora imbalance One of … Read More →
Spirulina – the Ultimate Ocean Protein - Is spirulina the best protein on Earth? Honestly, if a health ‘expert’ tells you that one protein source is better for you than another – be careful. In reality, we all absorb nutrients in a variety of ways due to personal health history, age, food combining, heavy metal toxicity, genetics – the list goes on and on. Are you protein deficient? On the next NaturalNews … Read More →
Go nuts to significantly lower risk of obesity and diabetes - … and aid your weight management strategy A surprising number of people avoid eating nuts as they retain the false stigma that the calories derived from a handful of nuts contribute to weight gain. Nuts also deliver a higher percentage of fat calories per ounce than many nutritionally deficient processed foods and are thus considered to be unhealthy. As the incidence of metabolic syndrome (six … Read More →
Optimal Cholesterol Ratios not Only Good for the Heart, but also Lower Alzheimer’s Disease Risk - Volumes of current research now clearly demonstrate that Alzheimer’s disease, though influenced to a small degree by genetic predisposition, is largely caused by a confluence of lifestyle indiscretions over the course of one’s early and mid-life years. Prior studies have shown that a diet consisting of hydrogenated fats, processed carbohydrates and sugary treats rapidly accelerate the onset and progression of the disease, especially in those … Read More →
Got funky Breath? Here are Some Causes – and Fixes - Got chronic halitosis? If you do, chances are that your friends haven’t told you, because, well, they’re your friends and they don’t want to hurt your feelings. But halitosis — bad breath, as it is more commonly known — is a common problem, so you might have a problem and just not know it. How common is halitosis? According to the Academy of General Dentistry, … Read More →